In the middle of tourist central Hollywood lies a small respite – The Museum of Broken Relationships. At first I asked myself, do I really want to get emotionally drained during our trip? I have a tendency to put the burden of other people’s sorrow and misery onto myself. As such, I didn’t know if I was ready to challenge my own sensitivity, especially since I’ve finally found myself in a happy relationship. But as it turns out, being in a better place in my life allowed me to step back and empathize or sympathize with others better. The museum was more a haven of hope and positive outlook through introspection rather than a weep fest. Also, it covered a range of relationships – relationships with partners, friends, oneself, etc.
There’s a nice little gift shop to the right when you enter. I really love how everything is displayed throughout the museum, giving each seemingly trivial object their own spotlight and accompanying background story. It was quiet and not crowded, unlike the streets right outside. Admission is $18 for adults and $15 for students. Prepare to do a lot of reading and get in touch with all your feels! Submissions are sent it from all around the world, serving as personal artifacts in this collection of emotional history.
Here are a couple of my favorite items from the museum. I couldn’t help but be drawn to a bunch of the homemade artifacts. People get real creative when they’re in love (or fall out of it)!