Who Are We?


Hey, there!

We are Tie and Margaret, part-time travelers based in New York City. Hailing from the corporate world, every vacation day is anticipated and treasured greatly. After each trip, our friends would ask how it went and for suggestions on where to go. While we’d happily send them our neurotically organized spreadsheets, we decided writing a blog would be more fun and easier to digest without talking their ears off in-person. Most of all, we want to contribute to the travel blogging community after having received so much from it. We try to put together eclectic itineraries, ranging from luxury hotels and flights to street food and nerdy stuff (like anime theme parks). Not one to shy away from touristy attractions, we also do extensive research beforehand to find quality hole-in-the-walls.

Tie is a developer who is always a little too enthusiastic about adding new features to the site. A former Street Fighter extraordinaire, he is a firm believer in gamification. He mainly takes care of the logistics of our trips, such as planning the best flight routes or maximizing reward points for hotels. With an avid appreciation for the finer things in life, any luxury travel item you may find was probably his idea.

Margaret is a designer who obsesses over typography and fixing her camera settings. She is in charge of planning most of our itineraries and can be seen on Instagram, TripAdvisor, blogs, and 10 pages deep into Google search results. If you find that she’s writing a whole lot more than Tie, it probably stemmed from her desire to fulfill an unrealized childhood dream of becoming a novelist.

Thank you so much for reading our blog, and we promise to continue adding more helpful information (or at least some pretty pictures)!


If you’re interested in working together, feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected]